英文字幕版 translated by me
Heartbeat of Taiwan
Make a wish!
那長春藤攀上 生鏽的消防栓
The ivy crawls up a rusty fire hydrant,
像蝴蝶離不開 有花香的地方
Like a butterfly could not give up the fragrance of flower.
寧靜的小巷 一杯永和豆漿
A tranquil alleyway, with a glass of Yonghe soymilk,
我在細細品嘗 恬淡的家鄉
Contentedly Im tasting my sweet hometown.
霓虹燈點亮 關於夜市的想像
Neon signs light up the fantasy of night market.
孩子們捉迷藏 在找愛吃的糖
Kids hide-and-seek, looking for their favorite treats.
昏黃的夕陽 龍山寺的老牆
Pale yellow sunset colors the ancient wall of Longshan Temple.
我虔誠點著香 手拿一柱希望
I light a stick of sincerity, holding a string of hope.
少一點傷痕 多一點的掌聲
Less injuries, more applause.
少一點戰爭 多一點的單純
Less battles, more simplicity.
認真用棒球魂 揮汗去體會青春
Perspire to experience youth with the spirit of baseball.
用心聽著 那臺灣的心跳聲
Attentively listen to the heartbeat of Taiwan.
嘉南平原等待收割 一整遍幸福的顏色
Chianan Champaign expects to harvest the color of happiness.
Pingtung bluefin tuna speaks pure pleasure.
Wandering Tamsui River,
Steep Taroko Gorge,
Show our optimistic character.
How to make a Mino paper umbrella?
How to carve out a Sanyi sculpture?
There are so many surprises on this island.
Check out the unique make-up of the Eight Generals.
Its not the end of the story, dear,
But lets just pause here.
少一點仇恨 多一點的我們
Less animus, more us.
少一點寒冷 多一點的溫存
Less indifference, more consideration.
用狂草寫雲門 用蜂炮築一座城
Cursive writing delineates Cloud Gate Dance; Yenshui fireworks guard our country.
媽祖永恆 世世代代的虔誠
Matsu of eternity, generations of piety.
天燈冉冉上升 可以許下願望就別等
Sky lanterns have peacefully taken off, never hesitate to make a wish.
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